Wherever you are, at whatever time, in whichever form, you will always remember getting the coveted "Congratulations" letter from the school of your dreams. In my case, that school was Carolina. I received mine on the Connect Carolina website at 2 AM in January 2010. I had been refreshing the webpage for two hours because everyone else was trying to view their decision as well. I remember seeing "Congratulations" and not even bothering to read the rest of the letter at first because I was so excited. Looking back, I'm really glad it didn't say "Congratulations on your accomplishments in high school, however..." because I woke up everyone in the house before I ever finished reading the letter.
This is an exciting part of the Carolina experience and one that everyone remembers because it is the moment when you become a Tar Heel, the moment when you join the Carolina family. From there, Carolina gives you unlimited opportunities in academics, athletics, the arts, and social settings. How you use these opportunities to leave your Heel Print is up to you, but every journey begins with the acceptance letter.
If you have any questions, please leave a comment or send me an email at nething@email.unc.edu!